Sunday, February 20, 2011

pause in life's pleasure

Today was a sunny day, which for a Tacoma winter is usually rare. I tried to take advantage of the sunshine by having my boyfriend Sam snap some photos for me. However, it turns out that he is just as shy behind the camera as he is in front of it. Oh well
 The mountain was still hiding a little today, but this is what I got after a few tries. This is my favorite place in the world.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

too much planning: not enough doing

It's a scary thought, realizing you're in charge of your own future. Especially if, like me, you change your mind constantly. My first "what I wanna be when I grow up" was a singer, and when I was a kid I remember telling people that's what I was going to do. Everyone laughed, but I was certain I'd be rockin' out on stage. (When I was 8, I thought it would be the coolest thing to have a baby when I was 16: there were a lot of things I didn't get.) When I was 11 I decided I wanted to be a psychologist, because that was more feasible. I wanted to counsel people who went through as much shit as I did in middle school. And now, my Junior year in college, I switched from Music B.A. to Psych B.A. with a Music minor, to a B.S. in Psychology, to a B.S. in Physiology and a minor in Psychology. I guess my conclusion is I just don't care about people as much as I used to. Don't care about anything as much as I used to. I just want to make a lot of money and be able to prescribe drugs. To myself maybe? Well, you know. Life at it's finest.

Needless to say, I've never really followed through on anything big. I graduated community college last year. Big whoop. I'd really like to take a break from having plans. Just quit everything, take a step back, and enjoy whatever comes my way. Impossible?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

dear viewer.

be kind.

Your opinion matters to me. I wanted to start a blog because I've seen so many pretty ones lately, and I really want a nice outlet. I can't say anything profound, and I don't do anything really cool with my life. I'm a student (of what, I keep changing), and right now that's all I know for sure. I used to think I'd become something, but lately I've just been trying to be what I am. I hope that works for ya.


ytrap emit!